Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wind, Snow & Ice......

 .......this ain't no disco......

Another snow that brings in the ice.  This time the wind decided to join the party and man what  a party! The three of these guys mixed it up so much that majority of people just had to skip school and work so that they could be part of the winter get together of the coolest of the cool.  For me and my family it was the coolest of the cool in Cool.

I have lived in Texas all of my life and cannot remember a day like this.  The temperature has stayed below freezing and the wind chill factor at -1 degrees.  The sun came out at times, but there would be no melting.  There has been no sleet for over 12 hours but the ice is still as thick as when the icy rain stopped.  We will be having two full snow days in a row.  Usually it is one snow day followed by a 2 hour delay day.  It seems we may have the same amount of ice and snow for close to 48 hours.

Photo taken by Kadin Haley

Today with the snow whipping in the wind and the low temperature I realized something.  Playing in the snow is much more fun when you are a kid.  I no longer enjoy my clothes being caked with snow or nature's lovely powdered sugar beating my face into a burning red mask.  I went outside long enough to snap a few pictures and then ran back into my house faster than a rabbit into it's hole.  My children on the other hand stayed at the party for hours and enjoyed every minute.

 They ran in it, rolled in it, made a fort in it, fell down in it and jumped up and down with glee in it.  Their cheeks turned red, their noses ran, their shoes and gloves were invaded with snow.  They scooped up the snow and piled it with their hands getting colder and colder.  Yet, nothing phased them or put a damper on their fun.  They stopped only to come inside to eat and drink.  Then hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to the party we go.

However, some adults out here had no choice but to make it a work day.  With the below freezing temperatures my dad was out and about on his John Deere Gator checking on his renters and their plumbing.  Putting portable heaters underneath a house or two was a necessity to prevent serious issues.  He also took that opportunity to take my girls riding in it as he also checked on all the farm animals.  When most of the work was done he dropped them by his house for some soup that their Nana was making.  There weren't any crackers at their house so he came by and poked his head in to ask if we had any.

Our day was definitely made brighter by seeing the icicles giving him the appearance of a freaky walrus man.  Then our neighbor and her daughter dropped by to share some beautiful photos they took.

Photo taken by Jennifer Balber

The freezing wind may be too much for me, but it is obvious it provides a beautiful effect in this picture.

Photo taken by Kadin Haley
 Even though I am not big on freezing my butt off and the somewhat wet Texas snow, I can do nothing but appreciate the magnificent view at my home.  What a beautiful picture God makes with his earthly canvas.  I can only be appreciative of all that I have when confronted with natural beauty such as this.

 I guess I don't mind Wind, Snow & Ice getting together and throwing an all night hoe down after all.

~ Pattie Hart


  1. Great Blog Mrs. Hart. Keep 'em coming! Great shot of Kadien too.

  2. Thank you Pattie! If this is your first time, girl, you nailed it!!! I'm loving picking your brain!! The photos are breathtaking!! Thanks for sharing! I'll be checking back in to see what your thinking next.... :)

  3. Thank you both. I will try to post more regularly. It shouldn't be hard since I have about 50 things gong on in my head at once!
