.......O Motivation, Motivation! Wherefore art thou, motivation?
Seriously, I want to know. Where in the hell are you?! I need you. I want you. But you are never here! Why can't you show up just as easily as the extra fat on my love handles do? Or the dimples on my derriere? If you were around half as much as I needed you, I wouldn't have nature's permanent tattoos (aka stretch marks) riddling my thighs! It's not like you are a bad influence that I need to get rid of. You are the good influence that I can't seem to keep around. Maybe our love story goes a little something like this:
Motivation is the good mate that we know we need but is not near as appealing as the bad mate, Weakness. Why do we choose Weakness over Motivation? Giving into Motivation will only leave us feeling good, happy, worthwhile, proud, healthy, hopeful and maybe even put a bounce in your step. Whereas giving into Weakness leaves us feeling guilty, sad, doubtful, bloated, hungover and may even have you wanting to crawl under the covers until the disappointment goes away.
So why do we choose Weakness more often than Motivation? Two words, instant gratification. Face it, we want to feel good right now and not wait for results to show and Weakness only makes it worse. When Motivation is whispering in one ear that you need to be nice to your body and take care of yourself, Weakness slithers up and whispers in the other ear. Weakness says,"Why skip the burger and fries at lunch and brown bag it when you can work it off later?". Then when later comes Weakness says, "Why work out almost daily for one hour a day to only have results not visibly show for weeks? Just skip dinner. We will go out and have a few glasses of wine instead."
As a society we have become more concerned with not wanting to feel deprived or left out. But what we don't seem to realize is that following weakness makes us feel deprived and left out because you will eventually be too tired, sad, depressed, self conscious and weak ourselves. Eventhough we are adults we sound like a bunch of spoiled little brats. Let's stop being those crazy people we talk about and get off of our butts and PICK THE GOOD ONE!!!!!
Let us always do our best to treat our bodies well. After all, it is the only body you will ever have to carry you throughout all the days of your life. The better you care for it then the longer, healthier and more enjoyable your life will be.
Pattie Hart
Well said.