Many people who work in retail sales do not enjoy their job. I can relate to those people at times, but for the most part I do not. I work in retail sales at Teskey's in Weatherford, Texas and I find it more rewarding than a pain. One of the things I enjoy is helping people. It may not seem like a big deal, but to the customer wanting just the right outfit for a class reunion, wedding, charity event, party or their new wardrobe for after weight loss it is a very big deal. People enjoy feeling waited on, appreciated and want someone to help them find something that really looks great on them. They want honesty and not an associate who is just wanting to sell something. Recently I helped out a customer and friend, Debra James, find several outfits and now she needs help choosing which one to wear for her big event.
Debra James is the mother of Casey James from American Idol fame. His first CD is scheduled for release March 20, 2012 and he will be playing a concert March 23 at Billy Bob's in Fort Worth, Texas. Along with being known for his great skill with his guitars, he is also known for calling his mama onstage to sing with him. Let me tell you, the woman can sing with soul! Debra wanted to find something flattering to wear that would go with her adventurous personality and style and I happily obliged. Two of her outfits stood out as obvious contenders for the Billy Bob's gig. If you would like to help her choose please go to the Teskey's blog and vote for your choice.